Salt Town. Famous for 2 things: the musical I was routinely tortured with every Christmas as a child, AKA The Sound of music (although truthfully I would probably enjoy it now) and WAM, AKA Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.. We did see the house he was born in but otherwise didn't have much to do with either the last couple days. Spent most of our time just walking around the old town and touring the fortress. I highly recommend that tour if you are ever in Salzburg. Quite interesting from a history perspective (built over 500 years ago and was never conquered, although it was surrendered to Napolean, the tour also covered a lot of WWI, which I forgot had involved Austria so prominently - unfortunately it was all in German so there was only so much I could glean from the exhibits), and amazing views of Salzburg and the surrounding mountains.
Lots to see and do here, so we walked about 8 hours today alone. Ethan kept up amazingly well... infact he was still bursting with energy tonight well after Carla and I had clearly hit our tired and cranky limit. He was also quite proud of his catch at lunch today, so I've included a pic of that. The wasps at llunch were quite annoying, and the two of us eventually caught 4 of them in upside down glasses. For an 8 year old, that is the highlight of almost anyday.
Also managed to post a video of a quartet we stunbled on in one of the plazas today. You can see it at http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QP0j-FCn-08&client=mv-google&gl=US&hl=en. There was 1 accordian and 3, um, Austrian yukeles? One of them was clearly overgrown as you can see in the pics. But the combination sounded incredible, which I'm sure my phone did a terrible job of picking it up. I'm just impressed I could get it from Salzburg to youtube all on this little device.
Tommorrow we head off to Vienna. 1 week is officially in the books now. 4 more to go!
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