A few pics of Stockholm. Very green, full of rivers, lakes, and canals, and Gamla Stan in particular was very scenic if you like old European streets and plazas. I don't know if you can see it but the picture of the plaza includes a picture of someone holding up a postcard of the same plaza. That's about as creative as I get :)

A couple of tourist attractions... one is the roof of the parliament in the Old Town Hall. It's built to resemble an upside down viking ship to remind the people of their heritage (viking heritage is so much cooler than farmers and fur traders, don't you think?). The other is the changing of the guards. First time I've seen one with horses and a full military band.

Next few are from Skansen, the big open air museum I mentioned before. This is a very small sample of a very large place... for Calgarian's, think several heritage parks put together. Here is the first, honest-to-goodness reindeer I've ever seen in real life.

They even look tasty.
Next up was the Grey Owl's, which I assumed would be the most boring of the animal exhibits, but you could actually walk inside this one (unlike the bears... they are such sticklers for safety here), and we just happened to hit it at feeding time. The lady was putting dead mice right on the railing beside us and that owl was not the least bit shy. It was huge (the head is probably the same size as mine to put the picture in perspective). Not sure if you can make it out, but in one pic, he's mid-bite on a mouse, in the other, one of the smaller owls is in mid-flight away from us, having just snagged another mouse right out of the zookeepers hand. Too cool.

A sample of an old farmstead where all the buildings have been moved here and restored from elsewhere in Sweden (and some Norway). This type of exhibit actually makes up the majority of the museum (along with a sample of a complete old town site), but I can't post too many of these. The buildings ranged from 150 - 700 years old and included write ups of how they farmed and lived. Again, very cool.

This is an otherwise blah picture, but I took it because of the kid at the bottom. Check out his head. I hope the color shows up... he's so blond, he's almost white. You see a lot of that here, and it's one of the things I'm can't help but look at every time. A few, like this guy, are so light-haired that at first glance you would swear his eye-brows are glowing. Welcome to the land of the blondes...

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