Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Fussen and Fishsticks

more point form updates...
- we took a train tour to the town of Fussen today... think Canmore meets Niagra. It's home to Neushweustein (sp?) Castle, the supposed "Fairytale" castle of King Ludwig the 2nd. This was Ethan's pick, and while I'm more of a thousand-year-old-half-ruins-castle guy myself, the views were definitely worth the trip. Will try to post a pic or 2 in a bit.
- The Bavarian country side we saw via the train ride was pretty cool too. Lots of heavily treed foothills/farmland. Kinda reminded me of Canada except the pines ane much thicker, the vegetation much greener, the architecture much more, uh, Bavarian, and every little town had a steeple and a bell tower instead of a hockey rink and grain elevator. I was a little disappointed that the people weren't still stuck in the dark ages so I could see it like I envisioned Bavaria to be... I was picturing plaid-suspender-short-wearing men with long poiny beards sheering goats in their backyard while their blond-haired-pleated-skirt-wives churned butter next to them. :) Instead the backyards were full of trampolines and swingsets... looked too much like Canadian backyards. The houses definitely didn't though, so it was still all goot.
- Carla and Ethan wanted Subway for supper so I headed off in search of a cultural experience for supper on my own. The tour guide pointed me towards a beer garden that totally hit the spot. I was looking for shtekerlfeische (sp?), or fish-on-a-stick and was not dissapointed. I was expecting the German equivalent of a corndog, but it turned out to be their version of a turkey leg... €11.85 worth of one big fish, roasted whole over coals, with about a half-pound of salt for flavoring. I'm sure somewhere around there was forks, but I didn't see them and had no clue what I was doing, so I just pulled up a picnic table under a shady chestnut tree and dove in... now THAT is finger licking good! This put any beer garden I've ever seen in Canada to shame... live Bavarian music, 6500 seets, all covered in shade of huge trees, with various meets, strange salads, pretzels bigger than my head, and beer steins that were, well, I'm not sure how big that was, but it dwarfed the 1-litre water bottle I had with me. No I didn't finish it. Not even close.
- finished it off with some street side gelato walking back to the hotel. Now THAT is what I consider an evening well spent in Europe.
- tommorrow we leave for Austria. Maybe they'll still be shearing goats? Not sure about Inet connections, so don't know when the next post will bw.

till then,

1 comment:

  1. Hey Greg, Mark and I visited Neushwenstien castle to. In fact, that place you ate at sounds vaguely familiar. If it's at the base of the castle down in the townsite then I think I almost threw up at the smell of beer and deep fried food. Don't get me wrong, I love those 2 food groups but I had WAY to much of it the night before in Munich. On the way to this castle we also toured Dacau concentration camp. So far our intineraries are similar. However, I think the similarities end here.

