Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Itinerary

16 cities. 37 days.

I haven't even begun yet, and I'm already tired.

But very excited too! Only 1 more sleep until I leave!

This whole crazy plan started as an excuse to go visit my younger sister Laurie, who's with her husband Bruno in the Ukraine for a short (long?) term mission trip as part of his Bible College degree. I thought we'd be there longer to visit them, and at one point, it looked like I'd be there for 10 or so days, but one thing led to another, and it turns out I'll only be there for 4. So the trip to visit my sister and brother-in-law has turned into a 5 week marathon with only a long weekend with them. Whoops! Oh well, from the sounds of the heat over there (36 Celsius in the day, a 'cool' 28 at night), I'll be pretty much non-functional while I'm there anyway. Heat and I don't get along very well.

I start this journey with my older sister Carla and my 8 (almost 9!) year old nephew Ethan. After 3 weeks through Germany, Austria, Prague, and Donetsk, they fly home, and I head on to Moscow to meet up with my good friend John Pitchko. Another week and a bit on a Contiki bus (and 1 overnight cruise) until we hit Stockholm, then we fly on to Bergen for a week on our own trekking back through the Norwegian mountains to Oslo. Then home. Zzzzzzzzz....

Here's a map of where I'll be (click to view):

View Greg Ashby's European Vacation in a larger map

I'll have intermittent access to the Internet, so I hope to keep this blog up-to date as I go and post the occasional pic, but I'm not making any promises. Stopping to blog is well below sleeping and sight-seeing in the priorities for this trip, and just slightly above shopping, so for all I know, this may be the last post before I get back. Hopefully not, but just trying to set reasonable expectations.

Bon Voyage!



  1. Good Luck Greg,
    Have a great time.
    We will be cheering you on from over here.

  2. Remeber "Safety First"! Followed closely by "Do as much crazy/insane semi-legal could have gotten somebody killed" things as possible."
