- took the train from Munich to Innsuck today, with a stop in Garmish to take the alpine train and cable car to the summit of the Zugspitze. that's 10000 feet up... same height as cascade mountain in banff! I've climbed that high twice before but carla and ethan had never been close so it was a real treat for them (and me). Amazing views and scenery... you'll see it in the pics.
- I hiked part way up the glacier, then stood there thinking about the best way to go back down, wishing I had a garbage bag to sled on. Then I realized I did have a ziplock bag that might just be big enough. It was, barely. :) Nothing quite like a self-induced glissade down a mountain, starting to pick up a little speed, and wondering whether that flat spot ahead will be enough to stop you or if you are going to have to find out what's around that blind corner ahead :) Too much fun! I think I started giggling like a school girl at that point :)
-Ethan and I climbed up to the summit. No pics of that stretch yet... I don't want my mom freaking out when she sees them :)
- train ride in to Innsbruck had amazing scenery too. This was going to our shortest stop, but I'm alreay rethinking that... seems like a great little city so far
on to the pics
These are awesome photos! Keep them up! Sure beats what I get to see at the office